Sustainability & Eco

We explore the importance of adopting a sustainability mentality in all our hotels and apartments.

We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices throughout our operations.

We have implemented a range of initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint and conserve natural resources. For example, we use energy-efficient lighting and appliances, and we are using a solar water heating as well as we conserve water through efficient fixtures and helping in recycle process.

In addition, we are sourcing our products and services from local and sustainable suppliers that allows us to support local economy.

We are proud to be a sustainable hospitality and we invite you to join us in our efforts to make a positive impact on the planet.

Environmental Policy Statement

In Royalty Hotels & Suites we recognize the impact of our business on the environment and we are committed to ensure the environmental sustainability. We comply with all the applicable environmental regulations and use environmentally-friendly business practices. We are committed to:

  • operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislation
  • improve continually the environmental Performance by striving to measure our environmental impacts and by setting goals to reduce these impacts

increase the awareness level of environmental issues to all the interested parties (customers, staff, suppliers, local community etc.)

  • perform frequent Environmental measurements (noise, energy and water consumption) and undertake regular environmental audits
  • conduct trainings to all of our staff regarding our Environmental Program and empower them to contribute and participate
  • develop innovative solutions concerning the energy resources by reducing emissions and taking climate protection actions, use local, natural, raw materials & recycled products
  • support National and International environmental organizations (NGOs - Non-Governmental Organizations
  • incorporate environmental considerations in new building and renovation plans

The Managing Director is committed to provide all the necessary means for the proper operation and the constant improving of the Environmental Program. The Environmental Manager is responsible to ensure the implementation of environmental initiatives, for the proper function of the Environmental Program and for the communication of the policy to all staff and customers. The hotel staff is responsible to promote, support and implement the Environmental Program through their daily work.

Corporate and Social Responsibility Policy

In Royalty Hotels & Suites we recognize the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its significant importance within the industry and among consumers. The Policy sets our social priorities and principles. We are committed to comply with all relevant national legislation regarding CSR, to implement in accordance with the Ethical Business Conduct in order to ensure:

• transparency of our business policies and practices fair treatment of all employees and clients

• high standards of health and safety at work environment

• ethical business practices throughout our operations

We support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. We promote Human Rights, and in particular children's rights by continually training our staff and by providing information to our clients. We reject, eradicate and condemn any form of exploitation of human beings, especially of sexual nature and in particularly when this affects minors.

We are committed to provide Equal Opportunities to all employees and job applicants. No job applicant shall receive less favorable treatment on the grounds of sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, race, color, religion or belief, nationality, ethnic or national origin. No discrimination relating to employees and job applicants with special needs such as disability or part time or fixed term status unless this can be justified

We recognize the Impact on the Local Society so we effectively support the needs of the local community and we Respect the local culture, traditions and intellectual property rights.

Purchase Policy

In Royalty Hotels & Suites we recognize that purchasing decisions can have significant Social Responsibility impacts. Environmental, Social and Ethical considerations are taken into account when making a purchasing decision. Both aspects of the Life Cycle Analysis are considered during the Purchase of a product. From the origin of the materials (Resources management) to end-of-life (Waste management). Before we proceed to any purchase, we consider the following parameters:

  • Whether a purchase is necessary: Every purchase must cover a real need of the hotel.
  • Packaging components: Purchase of products in bulk and re-useable or returnable packages.
  • What products are made of: Priority is given to recyclable and returnable products as well as those from recycled materials
  • Under what conditions they have been made.
  • How they will be disposed of: Preference is given to those with the least damaging effects on the environment and human health.
  • How far they have travelled: product transportation is always considered, (air pollution and fuel consumption). Priority is given to products from the local markets provided that they meet the requirements and basic needs of the company.

The Environmental specifications are determined by the Environmental Manager in cooperation with the Purchasing Department.

Quality Policy

In Royalty Hotel Athens we consider that Service quality as a given ability to satisfy its client's expectations to the highest standard. Quality management system has internal and external benefits. We are committed to:

· satisfy the current legal and other requirements

· deliver quality services that meet or exceed our customer's expectations.

· train our employees by providing them regularly instructions regarding the sense of quality, hygiene and food safety

· embed social responsibility and company ethics policies in our business practices

· identify and understand our customer's expectations, measure customer perceptions, and implement improvements to increase customer satisfaction. The effectiveness of our services and guest satisfaction is monitored through our own guest questionnaires, through our operator's feedback and management/staff meetings and reviews

· improve operational performance along the value chain from suppliers to customers

· continually improve our services in order to attain the maximum quality level required by our guests.

All employees have been made aware of our operational objectives, targets and practicing standards. The General Manager is responsible for the hotel Quality System. His main responsibilities include: Setting measurable goals and achieving the required results, focusing on the client needs and expectations, providing the necessary resources and monitoring the effectiveness of the services through guest questionnaires, operator's feedback and management/staff meetings and reviews.

Health and Safety Policy

Our chain is committed to ensure the Health and Safety of all persons in the workplace including employees and visitors. We take all reasonable and practical measures to improve work safety conditions and strive to uphold core values of safety, knowledge, integrity and leadership in order to achieve its goal with zero accidents.

We are committed to:

  • comply with all Health and Safety legislation, acts, regulations, codes of practice and other guidance
  • promote and develop measures to improve Health and Safety at workplace
  • ensure all managers remain responsible and accountable for the health, safety and welfare of their employees
  • provide all the required resources (funds, trainings, personal protective equipment, clothing, etc.)
  • provide appropriate Health and Safety Training to all relevant personnel
  • establish clear targets and objectives to improve health and safety
  • maintain a positive safety culture through encouraging active participation, consultation and cooperation of all employees and visitors
  • actively respond to and investigate all incidents, and ensure that injured employees will return to the appropriate workplace at the earliest possible opportunity through equitable claims management and rehabilitation practices

Employees must comply with all the legislative requirements and follow the working instructions and safety Regulations including the use of any necessary personal protective equipment/clothing.

We implement and maintain Health and Safety Regulations, policies and procedures. These are monitored regularly to ensure their integrity and effectiveness and to facilitate continuous improvement.

Royalty Hotel Athens Children Rights Policy

At Royalty Hotel Athens, we are aware and responsible for actively safeguarding children from any form of abuse which may include neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse, hunger, mistreatment or exploitation in any form. We support and respect the protection of human rights within the company's sphere of influence including standing against human trafficking and the exploitation of children. We publish our Children Rights Policy and provide training on human rights, including the protection of children, for all our hotels' staff. Royalty Hotel Athens is committed to:

· Respect and promote children's rights and take necessary measures to protect children against all types of exploitation.

· Adopt preventative measures to stop the preparation or circulation of tourist programs which promote or encourage sexual contact with minors.

· Establish a company ethical policy against the commercial sexual exploitation of minors.

· Report all suspicious circumstances involving children to the local police and child protection agency

· We provide our staff with training on child protection. All the employees of Royalty Hotel Athens are trained to deal with such matters and always consider our actions very seriously in order to ensure that the child's best interest is upheld.

· be actively involved in activities to raise public awareness and awareness about the prevention of violence against children. Provide information to customers through informative material and our website.

· Report annually on the implementation of these points.

Persons who insist on incompatibility despite the warning made by the hotel management and who insist on disturbance are removed from the hotel according to the seriousness of the situation with the approval of the General Manager or notified to the judicial institutions.

All employees must adopt this policy and promise to give the necessary determination and support for its implementation.